Is the z-index useless when the button is positioned behind divs and other elements?

I would like the "Kontakt" button to appear in the top right corner of the page, always on top of everything else. I have tried setting the z-index to z-index: 99999999999 !important;, but it doesn't seem to be working...

On desktop, the button displays above everything except the footer at the bottom of the page. However, on mobile devices, the button is hidden behind other content. Feel free to check it out for yourself...

Any ideas on why this is happening and how I can resolve it? You can view the site here:


<button onClick="location.href='#kontakt'" type="button" id="kontakt_button" class="cl-popup-trigger type_btn cl-btn">Kontakt</button>

Best regards

Answer №1

Simply insert your button code directly within the body tag.

Answer №2

Your implementation of the Z-index property is spot on. However, there seems to be an issue in the CSS file named "us-base.min.css". The problem lies within the "l-canvas" class where the property "overflow: hidden" is causing it to become invisible. To resolve this, simply remove the mentioned property. If needed, consider using it as follows: "overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: visible;" Keep up the great coding work!

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