<br> preventing line breaks in Chrome

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In my coding project, I have a series of <span> elements set to display as inline-block. Following the last <span>, there is a <br> tag inserted to create a new line (sometimes multiple <br> tags are used).

Oddly enough, while the new line displays correctly in Firefox, it doesn't work as intended in Chrome (version 24). The reason behind this inconsistency is unknown to me.

I am sharing this information for the benefit of others who encounter a similar issue online. I found no helpful resources on google or stackoverflow pertaining to this particular problem.

Answer №1

Issue Resolved: http://jsbin.com/ezatoy/32/edit

To resolve this problem, simply include a ZERO WIDTH SPACE in the container element as shown below:

div:after{ content:'\0200B'; }

By applying this method, it ensures that there is content after the last <br> tag, causing a line break without needing to modify or add any elements in the DOM structure.

Answer №2

Once you input some content, everything should work fine. Chrome simply doesn't like to leave empty space.

If you encounter an empty line, try adding &nbsp;.

Edit: Making changes due to the extensive discussion on this subject.

Firefox has a bug that displays newlines incorrectly. According to W3C standards, the "<br>" element must only be used for line breaks that are actually part of the content. Without any content following the <br>, it will not create a newline.

Answer №3

Although it may not be the most optimal solution, inserting a white space after the <br /> tag seems to resolve the issue in Chrome.

<br />&nbsp;

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