What do you do when you need to hide a table column that has a colspan

I have been searching for a solution to my unique table structure, but I haven't found any that match my situation.

When attempting to hide column A or B, the following code works perfectly:

$('table td:nth-child(1),table th:nth-child(1)').hide();
$('table td:nth-child(2),table th:nth-child(2)').hide();

However, when I try to remove column C or any later column, it creates issues. The code below results in irrelevant output:

$('table td:nth-child(3),table th:nth-child(3)').hide();

To see the issue in action, please view this JSFiddle example.

Answer №1

CSS Mastery

Harness the power of CSS to achieve this effect by utilizing the :not() and + selectors:

tr :nth-child(3),
tr :nth-child(3):not([colspan]) + :nth-child(4) {
    display: none;

Check out the JSFiddle demo here.

This code snippet hides the 3rd child element, followed by hiding the preceding element only if it does not have a colspan property.

In your specific table scenario, cells containing content such as C, 3, and 4 will be hidden.


A welcomed insight from BoltClock highlighted that the initial CSS would affect any :nth-child(n) within the tr. To exclusively target td or th elements, we introduce the child combinator (>):

tr > :nth-child(3),
tr > :nth-child(3):not([colspan]) + :nth-child(4) {
    display: none;

If your td or th elements have their own children, employing this modification is advised.

JQuery Excellence

For those inclined towards JQuery, an alternative approach involves iterating through each tr element. The script evaluates whether the first row's corresponding th element possesses a colspan attribute, making decisions accordingly. Encapsulated in a function named hideColumn(), you can specify which column to conceal using the n argument:

$(function() {
    function hideColumn(n) {
        var headerColSpan = 1;

        $('tr').each(function(i) {
            var nth = $(this).children()[n-1],
                colspan = $(nth).attr('colspan');

            // Extract ColSpan value from first row th element
            if (i === 0)
                headerColspan = colspan || 1;

            if (colspan === headerColspan)
                for (i=0; i < headerColspan; i++) {


Experience the JSFiddle demonstration here.

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