Looping through an array of objects in VueJS can become a bit tricky when dealing with objects whose properties are dynamic. How can I efficiently

I am looking to create a matrix display from an array of objects, but the properties of the objects may change over time. Here is an example of the data:

    location: "Japan",
    webhookStatus: "Up",
    authenticationStatus: "Down",
    indexingStatus: "Under Maintenance"
    location: "USA",
    webhookStatus: "Up",
    indexingStatus: "Under Maintenance"
    location: "Japan",
    webhookStatus: "Up",
    authenticationStatus: "Up",
    indexingStatus: "Down"
    location: "Japan",
    webhookStatus: "Up",
    authenticationStatus: "Down",
    indexingStatus: "Under Maintenance",
    databaseStatus: "Down"

I want to represent this data in a matrix format, such as a grid or table. I can use v-for to loop through the array, but I also need to dynamically iterate through the changing properties and values of each object.

If you have any ideas on how to achieve this, please share!

Answer №1

To convert the object entries into an array, you can utilize Object.entries().

In JavaScript, you can achieve this with the following code:

Object.entries(obj).forEach(entry => {
  const [key, value] = entry;
  console.log(key, value);

When working with Vue and using v-for, you can implement something like:

<div v-for="(key, value, index) in Object.entries(obj)">
{{ index }} {{ key }} {{ value }}

Additional information on Object.entries can be found here.

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