Looking to update properties for elements within the Angular Material 16 mat-menu across the board?

Currently working with Angular Material 16 and I have a question regarding the height of buttons inside the mat-menu element.

Here is an example of the code:

<button mat-icon-button>
    <button mat-menu-item>Menu A</button>
    <button mat-menu-item>Menu B</button>   

In inspecting the menu, I noticed a class: .mat-mdc-menu-item that sets min-height to 45px;

I am looking to change this property to 35px;

Instead of creating a custom class for each instance, I want to apply this style globally to all mat-menu buttons in the application.

The goal is to have the desired height applied universally to all mat-menu buttons.

Although I tried modifying the .mat-menu-item class, it did not achieve the desired result.

.mat-menu-item {
    max-height: 35px;

Answer №1

If you're looking to override the styles for .mat-mdc-menu-item globally in your Angular Material project, there are a series of steps you should take:

  1. Ensure higher specificity or utilize ::ng-deep pseudo-class: Because of Angular's view encapsulation, the styles applied in your component may not impact child components. Using ::ng-deep can help get around this limitation. Keep in mind that while technically deprecated, ::ng-deep is still the most direct way to achieve this in Angular.

  2. Adjust the correct property: You mentioned wanting to adjust max-height, but it seems like min-height is what you actually intend to modify based on your explanation.

  3. Override Global Styles: Place this override in the global styles.scss (or styles.css) file to have it apply universally.

Following these guidelines, here's the code snippet you can insert into your styles.scss:

::ng-deep .mat-mdc-menu-item {
    min-height: 35px !important;

Emphasize the use of !important to ensure your style takes precedence. However, strive to minimize the use of !important as it can complicate future styling adjustments.

With this adjustment, all Material menu items should now have a min-height of 35px.

Keep in mind that although this method is straightforward, employing ::ng-deep with global styles may result in less modular and trickier-to-maintain styles. Therefore, always provide comments and documentation explaining why such overrides are necessary.

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