Guide on incorporating the font-awesome library in your project

Forgive me if this sounds like a silly question, but I am completely new to javascript and its libraries.

I stumbled upon a similar issue as described in this thread, where the accepted solution included the following line:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

However, after implementing this line, I noticed a navbar icon appearing even though I didn't specifically include an image in my HTML code. Furthermore, I found it difficult to adjust the positioning of this icon using the provided stylesheet. Can someone clarify what this line does in this specific scenario? (referencing the original post) I observed that without this particular line of code, CSS styles and Javascript functionalities could not be applied to a simple image tag like

<img class="search" src="icon.png" width="30" height="30">

Is there a way for me to customize the location of the icon with the inclusion of this line of code?

Answer №1

Font Awesome is a fantastic tool for adding icons to your website without using traditional image files. By simply applying "Font Awesome classes" to an element in your HTML code, you can easily display a variety of icons.

<i class="fa fa-address-book" aria-hidden="true"></i>

If you try this code in plain HTML, nothing will happen. However, once you include the Font Awesome stylesheet on your page, you'll start seeing the address book icon or any other icon you choose to use.

You can find all available icons on the Font Awesome website:

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