Looking to incorporate two @return statements in a Sass function

I have a very straightforward Sass function that converts a pixel value to a rem value:

@function to-rem($pxval) {
    @return #{$pxval / $base-font-size}rem;

For example, using to-rem(24) would output 1.5rem.

However, I recently ran into an issue where older versions of IE do not support rem units. To overcome this, I added a flag for old IE and adjusted the function accordingly:

@function to-rem($pxval) {
    @if $old-ie {
        @return #{$pxval}px;
    } @else {
        @return #{$pxval / $base-font-size}rem;

Now, I need to consider Opera Mini as well, which also does not support rem units. Unfortunately, I don't have a filter specifically for Opera Mini like I do for old IE. Any suggestions on how I can handle this without resorting to a mixin?

While I do have a mixin that achieves the same result, I prefer using the function for single values as it's more concise. For instance, using the function for padding:

padding: to-rem($spacing-base) 0;

is simpler than using the mixin:

@include to-rem(padding, $spacing-base 0);

Answer №1

If you're wondering how to get two values returned in a programming language, the answer lies in using a mixin. You can achieve this by returning a list or array.

@function calculate-values($value) {
    @return $value * 1px, $value / $base-font-size * 1rem;

.example {
    $results: calculate-values(36);
    padding-left: nth($results, 1);
    padding-right: nth($results, 2);

In this case, the mixin is clearly the superior choice.

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