Looking for a way to ensure a div reaches 100% height within a specified area without exceeding the boundaries of the body?

I am working with jQuery mobile and have specific requirements for my project:

  1. The main content will be a large graphic that needs to fill the entire page, with both horizontal and vertical scrolling if necessary.
  2. The header should remain fixed at the top, expanding to fit the screen when rotated.

To achieve this, I added a div within my ui-content div, with the following properties:

<div style="position: absolute; height: 100%;width:100%;top:42px;border:0;overflow:auto;">

However, the div ended up being too large, causing dual vertical scrollbars (one for the body and one for the div).

View my current setup on JSFiddle (two vertical scrollbars, one horizontal scrollbar):


Here is an illustration of the desired outcome: One vertical scrollbar and one horizontal scrollbar.

Answer №1

To prevent the horizontal scrolling in the overflowing div, simply apply overflow-x:hidden;. This will effectively contain the content within the designated area.

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