Location of chat icon in Dialogflow messenger

After successfully embedding the Dialogflow messenger in my website, I noticed that in mobile view, the chat icon is blocking the bottom navigation bar. You can refer to the screenshot here.

Is there a way to reposition the chat icon higher on the page? I have already attempted various methods without any luck.

  • I tried using Javascript:
    document.querySelector('df-messenger').shadowRoot.querySelector('.df-messenger-wrapper').querySelector('#widgetIcon').setAttribute('style', 'bottom:30px');
  • CSS didn't work either, possibly due to the #shadow-root (open) issue. You can view the unsuccessful attempt here.

Answer №1

If you're looking to move the location of your icon, I have a JavaScript solution for you.

dfMessenger.addEventListener('df-messenger-loaded', function(event) {
    dfMessenger.renderCustomText('Welcome to the updated version of Dexter');
    document.querySelector('df-messenger').shadowRoot.querySelector('.df-messenger-wrapper').querySelector('#widgetIcon').style.bottom = "5vh";

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