Locate the checkbox label using CSS

Is there a way to replace the standard checkboxes with font-awesome icons without modifying the generated HTML or using jQuery?

EDIT: The code includes JavaScript that prevents me from making changes. Also, note that the label text class can be -1 or -2 as well.

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="odincategory odincategory38 odincategory-even odincategory-placement2 odincategory-placement-even odincategory-multi" id="odincategory38-holder">
      <td class="odincategorycheckcolumn">
        <input type="checkbox" name="odinanswer1" value="38" class="odincategorycheckmulti" id="odincategory38">
      <td class="odincategorylabelcolumn">
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="odincategorylabel38">
              <td class="odincategorylabel">
                <label for="odincategory38"><span class="odinfontnumber-0">Choice<br>
      <td class="odincategorymarkcolumn"></td>

Answer №1

Unfortunately, achieving this with pure CSS is not possible. The main issue lies in the restrictions on selecting elements - you can only target adjacent, following, or descending elements. In your situation, the label is located elsewhere in the document hierarchy. If the label were located next to the checkbox, you could apply something like:

input[type=checkbox] + label {
  color: green;
input[type=checkbox]:checked + label {
  color: red;

However, given the current structure of your code, this method will not yield the desired result.

Answer №2

Feel free to test out this sample code that alters the color of a label... You can customize it to suit your needs.

In this demo, I utilized a button to trigger the change in font color. However, you have the flexibility to create a specific function that adjusts the font style once the page has loaded

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="odincategory odincategory38 odincategory-even odincategory-placement2 odincategory-placement-even odincategory-multi" id="odincategory38-holder">
      <td class="odincategorycheckcolumn">
        <input type="checkbox" name="odinanswer1" value="38" class="odincategorycheckmulti" id="odincategory38">
      <td class="odincategorylabelcolumn">
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="odincategorylabel38">
              <td class="odincategorylabel">
                <label for="odincategory38" id="labelForodincategory38"><span class="odinfontnumber-0">Choice<br>
      <td class="odincategorymarkcolumn"></td>

<input type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('labelForodincategory38').style.color='blue'" value="Click Me to Change Color" />

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