Looking for a reliable CSS aggregator for .Net that can merge and minimize style sheets effectively?

Is there an open source or free project that offers a CSS manager? I want to optimize performance and am hoping to find a pre-built solution rather than starting from scratch. Some key features I'm looking for include:

  1. Merging multiple .css files into one single css file
  2. Optional minification of the resulting .css file
  3. Compatibility with .Net (user control, custom handler, etc)

Does anyone know of a project that fulfills these requirements?

Answer №1

SquishIt excels at merging and compressing files, making it worth checking out!

Answer №2

If you're looking to minify your code, consider using YUICompressor for .Net. It has worked well for us on our current project and even supports minifying Javascript.

When it comes to aggregating files into a single one, we had to develop our own solution as we couldn't find a suitable option in the .Net environment.

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