Localhost causing variations in CSS behavior

I've been working on a website and wanted to share it with someone, so I set up a webserver. However, I've encountered some peculiar behavior when trying to access the site via LAN rather than through my localhost.

Firstly, when viewing the site on my localhost, everything appears much smaller than intended. I designed the page with specific dimensions in mind, but when accessed from another device on the network, it fills the entire screen.

Additionally, I have utilized @font-face for titles and such, which displays correctly on my localhost but not when accessed externally.

Moreover, upon attempting to view the page on my phone using 3G (not connected to my home network), none of the CSS renders properly.

Can you shed some light on why this strange behavior is occurring?

Answer №1

It seems that not all the stylesheets are loading properly when viewing over the LAN.

Check in Firebug NET tab (or a similar tool) to ensure that all stylesheets are being included and loaded without any 404 errors.

Also, inspect the element that should have a font-face set and review its styles. Are the styles missing or present but not applied as expected? It appears to be the former.

Most things are functioning correctly now, except for one issue. The font on my phone only displays correctly for capital letters. Any suggestions?

If you examine the text with the incorrect font using DOM inspector, does it indicate that the style is being applied?

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