Leverage the Width of a Nested Row within Foundation Framework

Here's a different layout option with a sidebar

<div class="row">
  <div class="main-content columns small-6>
     {main content}
  <div class="columns small-6>

And here is another layout without a sidebar

<div class="row">
  <div class="columns small-12">
    {main content}

When it comes to the main content section, the code looks like this

<ul class="small-block-grid-1 medium-block-grid-2 large-block-grid-3">
  <li>item one</li>
  <li>item two</li>
  <li>item three</li>

In Layout 2, the main content adjusts properly at different screen sizes. However, I am looking for a way to have the block grid adapt based on the available width inside the parent section instead of the total screen width.

For instance, in Layout 1 where the main content column is 450px wide, the block grid should automatically adjust to "small-block-grid-1", regardless of the overall screen size being greater than 900px (medium size).

Answer №1

Foundation media queries do not function that way. The 'small' query is triggered by screen width, not the width of its parent. Nested rows are positioned relatively and their width is inherited from their parent element. You can modify this behavior in the sass settings file by adjusting the variable:

$block-grid-media-queries: true;

You can set it to false and create your own custom media queries.

According to Foundation documentation: You have the option to further customize your block grid using parameters in the block-grid() mixin:

.your-class-name {
      @include block-grid(
    // Determines how many elements appear on each row of the block grid. Choose any number up to the maximum specified in the variable.
    // Available options: 1-12 or false by default
    $per-row: 3,

    // Controls the spacing between items in the block grid.
    // Use a variable, pixel, or em values.
    $spacing: $block-grid-default-spacing,

    // Decide whether base styles are included or not. Set to false to exclude.
    $base-style: true

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