Personalize the md-tab component in Angular 2

I'm encountering an issue with styling the md-tab component in Angular 2. While I understand that Angular 2 Materials is currently under development, I am wondering if there is a way to customize it, such as removing the bottom-radius. Below is an example of the code:

    <md-tab-group [selectedIndex]="1">
        <template md-tab-label>
          MY FILES
        <template md-tab-label>
          ALL FILES
        <template md-tab-label>
          MY INTERESTS

Answer №1

To include your custom CSS styles in a component that utilizes material components, use the prefix /deep/ as shown below:

/deep/ .mat-tab-label{
        min-width: 25px !important;
        padding: 5px;

If you need to find out the class name of a specific element for styling purposes, inspect the element using the developer tools in your browser. Once you have identified the class name, apply a rule like this:

/deep/ .mat-class-name{
    border-radius: 0 !important;

Answer №2

Ah, I see now! The reason for this is due to the enhancements that angular 2 offers. My code is located in a different component that I was modifying the style of, and at that moment, I was trying to add some flair. Angular 2 compiles the code in such a way that I am unable to access the styling of the child component within the parent component. You can find more information about this issue here:

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