Leverage the power of effekt in your AngularJS development

Can anyone demonstrate how to implement animation effects with AngularJS? Has someone created an example using Effeckt.css?

Answer №1

Indeed, Effekt.css allows you to easily create beautiful effects in just 2 seconds. The effect lasts for the last item created: ng-class="{'new-item': $last}"

For example: Simply follow this:

<table class="effeckt-list" data-effeckt-type="expand-in">
    <tr ng-repeat="seller in sellers" class="repeat-item" ng-class="{'new-item': $last}" >
            <a href="#">{{ seller.name }}</a>

Here are some sample data for your controller:

$scope.sellers = [
        name : "Lee",
        typeSeller : "Type 1"
        name : "Ella",
        typeSeller : "Type 2"
        name : "Christina",
        typeSeller : "Type 3"

View JSFiddle demo here

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