Layout your Angular components with a column design using Flex Layout

Is there a way to adjust the width of a child component in an fxLayout set to column? Take this example for reference:

In the provided example, there are three fxFlex elements. How can I make the yellow element's width half of the available area? When attempting to change the fxFlex value, the height adjusts instead of the width. What could be missing in my approach?

Answer №1

If the width of the window is too small, you will see a change in height instead of width because fxLayout.xs="column" starts to take effect.

To make your second section 50% in size, set fxFlex="50" for the second section and fxFlex for the others accordingly.

If you do not want the size (height) to change on smaller screens when switching to column layout, declare fxFlex.xs without any options.

If you want to keep the order from row to column unchanged, simply delete the fxLayout.xs="column" option.

Check out the demo at this link and adjust the screen size to see the effects.

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