How can I achieve a stylish scrolling header similar to a Google Blog for my website?

Google's blog features a unique header design - as you scroll down, the gray bar in the header moves up until it locks at the top of the screen. While CSS's position:fixed can achieve a similar effect, Google seems to have used a combination of position:fixed and position:relative based on the vertical scroll bar's position. Is there a cleaner solution using CSS2 and jQuery that doesn't involve complex scripting or reinventing the wheel?

What is the best way to implement a header like Google's blog without specifying heights for elements above the scrolling element? Any suggestions for achieving this elegant effect with x-browser compatibility using CSS2 and jQuery would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

By replicating their css styles using the placeholder and incorporating some basic JavaScript, a seamless effect can be achieved.

Check out

The jQuery code used is as follows:

       var start = $("#second").offset().top;
           var top = $("body").scrollTop();
           if (start-top >=0) $("#second").css("top",(start-top)+"px");
           else $("#second").css("top","0px");

Answer №2

To achieve this effect using jQuery, one can utilize the scroll event to calculate the distance from the top of the page and dynamically resize elements within the document in order to create a "shrink" effect on the header.

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