Kendo MVC Spreadsheet - Modifying cell text orientation to a 90-degree angle

My issue may seem trivial, but I'm struggling to achieve the desired behavior.

Working with the Telerik MVC framework, my current task is to create a Spreadsheet that matches a specific template. However, in this template, there are cells in the header rotated by 90° (or 270°). It appears that Telerik does not have a built-in feature to rotate these cells through properties or functions. Therefore, I am attempting to use CSS for rotation.

I have managed to rotate the cells using basic syntax (tested in Chrome - one line of code is sufficient).

transform: rotate(270deg);

Now, I've encountered a new problem. The rotated text extends out of the cell, making some parts of it invisible. I cannot figure out how to adjust the positioning. While setting the verticalAlign property to center works as a temporary fix, I prefer the text to align to the left after rotation (which means towards the bottom of the cell). Since the div containing the text is relatively positioned, I have attempted adjusting the top values, but it doesn't yield the desired result.

Do you have any suggestions on how to keep the text rotated and positioned towards the left (bottom)?

Here's a dojo example for reference: Cell A1 is vertically centered, while B1 should be placed at the bottom-left with text extending outside the cell.

DOJO Example

Answer №1

You can enhance your design by utilizing the CSS properties of text-orientation and writing mode. For more information, check out this useful resource.

Remember that when using the background property for a cell, the color will be applied to the entire cell area, not just the text within it.

  .k-spreadsheet .k-spreadsheet-cell > .k-vertical-align-bottom {
    writing-mode: vertical-rl;
    text-orientation: mixed;
    color: grey;

  .k-spreadsheet .k-spreadsheet-cell > .k-vertical-align-center {
    writing-mode: vertical-rl;
    text-orientation: mixed;
    color: grey;
    <div id="spreadsheet"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
        var spreadsheet = $("#spreadsheet").data("kendoSpreadsheet");
        var sheet = spreadsheet.activeSheet();
        sheet.rowHeight(0, 75);
             .value("Lorem ipsum")
             .value("Dolet semper")

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