Jquery's Conditional Statements: If/Else


I am working on a navigation filter that highlights projects based on their respective categories when clicked. I want to make it so that when the #all-btn is clicked, all items are highlighted in their designated colors. Currently, they are set to highlight in black, but I would like to change this to:

  • Graphic design - green
  • Web design - red
  • Flat design - blue

I believe using an if/then statement in jQuery could accomplish this, but I'm unsure of how to implement it. For example:

if (the item has class graphic) { 
else if (item has class web) {
else {

What would be the best approach to achieve this and will this code work effectively?

Answer №1

If you want to add custom attributes to your tab elements, consider using data-* attributes such as data-target.

    <li class="default-btn" data-target="wrap" id="all-btn">All</li>
    <li class="default-btn" data-target="web" id="web-btn">WEB DESIGN</li>
    <li class="default-btn" data-target="graphic" id="graphic-btn">GRAPHIC DESIGN</li>
    <li class="default-btn" data-target="flat" id="flat-btn">FLAT DESIGN</li>

You can then simplify your jQuery code like this:

$('li.default-btn').on('click', function () {
    $('#projects').find('.' + this.dataset.target).toggleClass('selected');

To make it even simpler, adjust your CSS accordingly:

Check out the updated version here

.web.selected {
    border: 3px solid red;
.graphic.selected {
    border: 3px solid green;
.flat.selected {
    border: 3px solid blue;

Answer №2

To perform the action, follow these steps:

$('li#all-btn').click(function () {
    var toggle = $('#projects .wrap').not('.highlight-web, .highlight-graphic, .highlight-flat').length > 0;
    $("#projects").find("li.web").toggleClass("highlight-web", toggle);
    $("#projects").find("li.graphic").toggleClass("highlight-graphic", toggle);
    $("#projects").find("li.flat").toggleClass("highlight-flat", toggle);

See a demonstration here: Fiddle

If you simply want to toggle the class, use this code:

$('#all-btn').click(function () {

Check out the demo here: Fiddle

Answer №3

To check if an element has a certain class using jQuery, you can utilize the hasClass() method. Here is an example:

var projElement = $("#projects li");

if ( projElement.hasClass('graphic') ) { 
else if (projElement.hasClass('web') ) {
else if (projElement.hasClass('flat') ) {
else {
    // do nothing;


I made some changes to your code in this updated fiddle. I removed console logging that was just for illustration purposes:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#nav-filter li').on('click', function () {
        var clickedOn = $(this).attr('id');
        console.log( 'clicked on: ' + clickedOn ) ;

        $("#projects li").each(function (index, value) {
            if (clickedOn === 'all' ){
                $(value).toggleClass("highlight-" + clickedOn );

            } else if ($(value).hasClass( clickedOn )) {
                $(value).toggleClass("highlight-" + clickedOn );

Check out the documentation here

Answer №4

Consider utilizing jQuery's hasClass() method:

if ($('#item').hasClass('graphic')) { 


An alternative approach is to use toggleClass():

$("#projects").find("li.graphic").toggleClass("highlight-graphic", $('#item').hasClass('graphic'));

In this scenario, the highlight-graphic class will be added if the item contains the class graphic, otherwise it will be removed.

Answer №5

While jQuery can be used, achieving the same result is actually much simpler with just CSS.

$(".graphic, .web, .flat").toggleClass("highlight");
.graphic, .web, .flat {
  color: white;

.graphic.highlight {
  color: red;
.web.highlight {
  color: green;
.flat.highlight {
  color: blue;

Answer №6

To streamline your code, try eliminating all if else statements and utilize the following snippet:

The currentClass variable may correspond to options like graphic, web, or list.

Revise the function as follows to dynamically change classes: $(document).find("li." + currentClass).toggleClass("highlight-" + currentClass);

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