How can you create an accordion menu that expands when a button is clicked?

Is there a way to make an accordion menu open when the 'More' button is clicked? I've tried, but it always starts in its expanded state and collapses when the button is clicked. What I really want is for the accordion to be closed initially and then open when the button is clicked.

Can someone please provide some guidance?

<input id="hide" value="+" src="./img/Mainpage-more-icon.png" type="button" /><br/>
<div id="rightMenu">
    $(document).ready(function() {
                function() {
                    //show its submenu

Answer №1

Include the following code snippet in your ready function:


Alternatively, you can apply the CSS style display:none to achieve the same result.

Answer №3

Apply the CSS rule display:none to hide an element

<input id="hide" value="+" src="./img/Mainpage-more-icon.png" type="button" /><br/>
<div id="rightMenu" style="display:none;">
    $(document).ready(function() {
            function() {
                //show its submenu


Alternatively, you can use jQuery to hide the element when the DOM is ready by using the hide() method

<input id="hide" value="+" src="./img/Mainpage-more-icon.png" type="button" /><br/>
<div id="rightMenu">
    $(document).ready(function() {
            function() {
                //show its submenu


Answer №4

Start by implementing the slideToggle function.

Take a look at this JSFiddle example

    function () {
        // Display the submenu

It's okay if you're not familiar with all of JQuery - basic knowledge can easily be found through Google.

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