Angular - custom font styles for ui grid

I recently added "angular" and "angular-ui-grid" to my app and made sure to include the necessary files:


Although the table is displaying properly, the arrows in the row header show up as "Korean symbols."

Does anyone have a solution for this issue? I followed the instructions provided here:

Thank you and best regards!

Answer №1

Ensure that you have added ui-grid.woff, ui-grid.ttf, and ui-grid.svg to your project. For further details, please refer to the following link:

Answer №2

The issue was resolved when I relocated ui-grid.min.css to the main page of my project.

Avoid bundling ui-grid.min.css, or its non-minified version, into your project's bundler.

This method successfully solved the problem without any hard coding or re-routing required.

Having one library not bundled will not cause harm to your project in the long run.

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