jQuery not targeting absolute positioned duplicates of the <div>'s

(Please find the code link at the bottom of this question)

I have been working on a radial menu for a web project. However, I've encountered an issue that has me stuck for hours now. No matter what I try, I can't seem to get any response from the selectors I've attempted.

So far, I have successfully executed this code...

$(document).on('mouseover' function() {

This managed to remove one of the generated elements.

However, when I tried to use the following code, it didn't work.

$("#selector0").on('mouseover' function() {

I even attempted to trigger an alert, which also failed. Selecting all cloned items by their class also yielded no results. I am starting to wonder if the issue lies with the Position: Absolute property. Could jQuery be struggling to register mouse events on that item?

If anyone could help me solve this problem, I would greatly appreciate it. I have created a demo version of my work on jsFiddle so that others can view the code and experiment with it there.


Answer №1

If the code appears identical to what you are displaying, quoting may be causing an issue


Make sure to replace the " with ' at the conclusion of the selector

Answer №2

Dealing with dynamically generated elements has been quite challenging for me.

My usual approach is to target the body in the event handler instead of specifying the element directly, and then reference the element within the function call:

$('body').on('click', '#elementName', function () {

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