jQuery Mobile - Implementing Persistent Toolbars along with a custom back button functionality


Here is a fiddle of the problem: https://jsfiddle.net/9k449qs2/ - attempt to select the header using your picker, but every time you click it will select the whole page instead.

I am currently working on a project that includes a persistent header and footer. The content changes as you navigate through the application. I recently added a back button to the header like this:

<header id="headerMain" data-position="fixed" data-role="header">
    <a href="#" data-rel="back">
        <div class="backButton">GO BACK</div>

After the header, my code continues with:

<div data-role="page" id="pageMain">
    <div class="content gray">
        <a href="#checkConnection">adfjsöalfjasödf</a>
</div><!-- pageMain end -->

<footer id="footerMain" data-position="fixed" data-role="footer">

<div data-role="page" id="checkConnection">
    <div class="content gray">
        <button id="checkConnectionState" class="button" onclick="CTFNetworkState()">Check your Connection</button>
        <a href="#checkBattery">
            <button id="checkBatteryState" class="button">Check your Battery</button> 
</div> <!-- checkConnection end -->

<div data-role="page" id="checkBattery">
    <div class="content gray">
        <p>Just plug your device in and you'll get information about your battery state.</p>
</div> <!-- checkBattery end -->

Everything works fine with transitions except for the back button inside the header not being clickable. The headers on each page are unresponsive. GapDebug shows the Pagecontainer being selected when I try to click the header.

How can I make the back button inside the header clickable on all pages?


The header seems to be unresponsive to any buttons placed within it. No matter what button or attributes I add to my <a></a> tag, it remains unclickable. I tried running GapDebug again, pressing "Inspect," and clicking on the back button, but it still selects the wrong code.

Answer №1

After some searching, I was able to find the solution to my problem. Surprisingly, it wasn't the documentation for persistent toolbars that helped me, but rather the documentation for external toolbars.

All you need to do is include

    $( "[data-role='header'], [data-role='footer']" ).toolbar();

within your <script></script> tag and everything should work smoothly. The reason behind this is that

the toolbars are not automatically initialized if they are outside of the page, so you have to manually call the toolbar plugin.

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