Explore and target elements using browser inspection

Is it possible to create a new CSS class using browser inspection that contains new hover/focus styles? For example:

.CanIDo {
/*some css rules
 width: 100;

/*my question (USING BROWSER INSPECTOR, not directly typing in the CSS file)*/

.CanIdo a:hover{
opacity: 0.7;

I believe this may not be possible because browser inspector only allows changes to the content of a class rather than creating entirely new classes directly. However, there might be browsers that have improved on this feature, which could be beneficial for web development.

Thank you!

Answer №1

It sounds like you're wondering if it's possible to dynamically write CSS in a browser's Developer Tools and immediately see the changes reflected on your webpage.

The good news is that this is indeed possible. Browsers like Chrome, FireFox, and even the latest versions of IE/Edge all have robust Developer Tools that allow for real-time styling adjustments. You can modify specific styles using the DOM inspector, or make broader changes by editing a CSS file directly within the Sources tab (names may vary).

Furthermore, complex rules such as pseudo-classes like :hover can also be applied and tested in real-time. This means you can experiment with your code and instantly preview the results.

Answer №2

Most web browsers come equipped with developer tools that allow you to easily manipulate and add classes as needed.

For instance, in Chrome, you can access Developer Tools and add different classes such as a :hover variant or any other standard class or pseudo-class.

To do this, simply open the inspector by pressing Cmd + Shift + I on OSx, and navigate to the Elements tab where you'll see various options available.

In the Filter section, there is a "+" button which allows you to include new classes like the ones shown below:

These classes, 'a:hover' and 'other-class', were added using the inspector tool, as indicated by the label "inspector-stylesheet" on the right side of the screen.

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