Is it possible to create an input field exclusively for tags using only CSS?

I am currently facing some limitations with a website I am managing.

Unfortunately, I do not have the ability to incorporate additional libraries such as custom jQuery or JavaScript scripts.

My goal is to customize an input field for tags so that when users type spaces, a new tag is added. However, my only option is to utilize CSS for this customization.

Therefore, my question is: can we achieve the same functionality as shown in the image below using just CSS?

Essentially, I want users to be able to input words and have them automatically converted into tags when they press the spacebar.

I came across a script at this link:

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №2

Looking for a fun project to work on with some free time? Consider creating a tagging system without using libraries. Users can input tags based on predefined options, and you have the flexibility to customize the tag input function.

Enhance the evaluateTagFunction by incorporating AJAX calls to fetch tags from a database. The potential for customization is vast. Utilize the TagInput constructor by creating a new instance using new tagInput().

Check out the sample code here

var sampleTags = ["Superman", "Batman", "Aquaman", "Thor", "Spiderman", "Hulk", "Wolverine", "Professor-X"];

// Rest of the JavaScript code remains the same

To style the tag builder and elements:

.tag_builder {
    /* CSS styling for the tag builder */

/* Additional CSS styles for tag elements, helper, and input */

// Add appropriate CSS for the tag builder layout

Follow these steps to create an instance of the tag input:

// Create a new instance of the tag input
var tagcreator = new tagInput();
tagcreator.container.className = "tag_builder";
tagcreator.placeholder = "Add a tag...";

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