Bottom-aligning text in Tailwind CSS

Creating two <p> tags to store text:

<p v-if="my_property <= 0" class="text-green-500 text-lg font-bold">{{Math.abs(my_value)}}%</p>
<p v-else class="text-red-500 text-lg font-bold">{{my_value}}%</p>
<div class="inline-block align-bottom bg-yellow-500 align-text-bottom">
   <p class="text-gray-500 text-sm ml-1 inline-block align-text-bottom align-bottom">tsa</p>

Struggling with the alignment of the last <p> tag compared to the first. Current alignment issue depicted in the image below:

Desired alignment of the "tsa" text shown here:

Suggestions on adjustments needed for current code set up?

Note: Highlighted yellow <div> to emphasize misalignment of text.

Answer №1

If you're looking to address your problem, consider incorporating a flex-container for all of your <p> elements.

  <div class="flex items-baseline">
    <p v-if="my_property <= 0" class="text-green-500 text-lg font-bold">{{Math.abs(my_value)}}%</p>
    <p v-else class="text-red-500 text-lg font-bold">29%</p>
    <p class="text-gray-500 text-sm ml-1">tsa</p>

Answer №2

Check out the code below for a possible solution:

<script src=""></script>

<div v-if="my_property <= 0" class="text-green-500 text-lg font-bold">{{Math.abs(my_value)}}% 
  <span class="text-gray-500 text-sm ml-1 inline-block align-text-bottom align-bottom">tsa</span>

<div v-else class="text-red-500 text-lg font-bold">{{my_value}}% 
  <span class="text-gray-500 text-sm ml-1 inline-block align-text-bottom align-bottom">tsa</span>

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