Adding a uniform header and footer across all pages simultaneously in HTML

I am currently working on a project where I want to apply the same header and footer design from my homepage to all pages. However, I need a method that allows me to update the header and footer in one place, so that any changes I make will automatically reflect on all pages. I am utilizing CSS and JavaScript in my HTML pages for this task. You can view the main page here.

If you have any insights or suggestions regarding this issue, please let me know.

<!-- code omitted for brevity -->
<body class="campers-theme">

<header id="header">
<!-- header content goes here -->

<footer id="footer">
<!-- footer content goes here -->

<script src="js/jquery-1.12.2.min.js"></script>
<!-- additional scripts included here -->


Answer №1

For organization, consider placing code in separate PHP files like header.php and footer.php. Then, include them as needed using

<?php include('header.php') ?>

your HTML content goes here
<?php include('footer.php') ?>

Answer №2

The functionality of routing in angularJS can be utilized to navigate between different content sections on a webpage. By implementing the example code provided below, you have the ability to dynamically bind multiple contents onto your page while maintaining a consistent header and footer layout.

<body ng-app="myApp">


    <a href="#content1">content1</a>
    <a href="#content2">content2</a>
    <a href="#content3">content3</a>

    <div ng-view></div>

    var app = angular.module("myApp", ["ngRoute"]);
    app.config(function($routeProvider) {
        .when("/", {
            templateUrl : "section1.htm"
        .when("/content1", {
            templateUrl : "section1.htm"
        .when("/content2", {
            templateUrl : "section2.htm"
        .when("/content3", {
            templateUrl : "section3.htm"

Answer №3

If you want to avoid using a server-side language, JavaScript is the key. You can utilize JavaScript to load your templates dynamically. Explore different methods to achieve this by reading responses to the following inquiry.

Embed another HTML file in an HTML file

Essentially, you'll need to incorporate jQuery or a similar library to carry out an AJAX request for retrieving the HTML content.

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