jquery: centralizing progressbar growth on the page

Working with Bootstrap progress bars is a regular task for me, and I have included a small example below.

var $progress = $('.progress');
var $progressBar = $('.progress-bar');
var $alert = $('.alert');

setTimeout(function() {
    $progressBar.css('width', '10%');
    setTimeout(function() {
        $progressBar.css('width', '30%');
        setTimeout(function() {
            $progressBar.css('width', '100%');
            setTimeout(function() {
                $progress.css('display', 'none');
                $alert.css('display', 'block');
            }, 500); // WAIT 5 milliseconds
        }, 2000); // WAIT 2 seconds
    }, 1000); // WAIT 1 second
}, 1000); // WAIT 1 second

You can find the full code here.

I recently noticed a stylish progress bar on the LinkedIn website. When clicking on a link, the progress bar grows from the top center to both ends, creating a visually pleasing effect. You can observe this by visiting the LinkedIn website. If you have any ideas on how to develop a similar progress bar, please share them.


If you closely examine the image provided, you will notice a thin deep blue line expanding from the center-top of the page below the home and network menu items.

While there are many code samples available for YouTube-like progress bars, it's challenging to find resources specifically related to developing a progress bar like the one seen on the LinkedIn website. Feel free to discuss and share concepts on developing a progress bar similar to that of the LinkedIn site. Thank you.

Answer №1

I find it disappointing that you haven't made an effort with this question.

Nevertheless, you can achieve the desired effect using CSS transitions.

Check out this demo on JSFiddle

In the demonstration provided, a transition is specified for the loader element, named square

<div id="square"></div>

The CSS code used is as follows:

#square {
    width: 10px;
    height: 10px;
    margin: 100px; /*for centering purposes*/
    float: left;
    background: blue;
    -webkit-transition: width 1s, height 1s, margin 1s;
    -moz-transition: width 1s, height 1s, margin 1s;
    -ms-transition: width 1s, height 1s, margin 1s;
    transition: width 1s, height 1s, margin 1s;

To simulate loading status, the hover attributes are set to increase size and reposition the square.

#square:hover {
    width: 1000px;
    margin-left: -200px;

By experimenting with these settings, you can accomplish your intended goal.

For further information, you may want to refer to this post: Expand div from the middle instead of just top and left using CSS

Edit: Consider refining your use of Javascript to implement progress attributes, and make sure to optimize your setTimeout functions.

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