JavaScript scrollable selection menu with a favorite option button

I am looking to enhance a standard select element by adding a favorite button that can be toggled on and off for each option. Utilizing Bootstrap for styling, I want to create a user interface element that allows for smooth scrolling through the options and triggers an event when switching to a new element. A key feature I am aiming for is to include a toggle button next to each option to mark it as a "favorite."


  <select id="scrollbox" multiple class="form-control target">
      <option>Option 1</option>
      <option>Option 2</option>
      <option>Option 3</option>
      <option>Option 4</option>
      <option>Option 5</option>

<div id="other">
  Trigger the handler


$( ".target" ).change(function() {
  var e = document.getElementById("scrollbox");   
  document.getElementById("other").innerHTML = e.value;

Seeking guidance on how to implement a toggleable favorite button for each option. Open to exploring alternative solutions that provide similar functionality.

Answer №1

Perhaps you're looking for a solution like this? Implement a checkbox within a div that triggers an event when clicked. You can utilize the "this" keyword within the event to refer back to the specific element that was clicked.

Check out the jsfiddle demo here


      <div id="scrollbox" class="" style="display: block">
          <div id="1">Option 1 <input type='checkbox' class='handleFavorite'>Favorite</div>
          <div id="2">Option 2 <input type='checkbox' class='handleFavorite'>Favorite</div>
          <div id="3">Option 3 <input type='checkbox' class='handleFavorite'>Favorite</div>
          <div id="4">Option 4 <input type='checkbox' class='handleFavorite'>Favorite</div>
          <div id="5">Option 5 <input type='checkbox' class='handleFavorite'>Favorite</div>


$(".handleFavorite").click(function(){ alert('you just clicked me')});

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