JavaScript function is not identifiable

I am currently developing a tic-tac-toe game with 9 buttons that will display either an X or O image depending on the boolean value of the variable isX.

The main container for these buttons is a div element with the id 'stage' and each button has the class 'square'. However, when I added a listener to the 'stage', the function clickHandler was not recognized and Chrome threw an error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: clickHandler is not defined 2Players.html:38
(anonymous function)

This is how my HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are structured:

    <div id="stage">


    width: 400px;
    height: 400px;
    padding: 0px;
    position: relative;
    width: 64px;
    height: 64px;
    background-color: gray;
    position: absolute;

        const ROWS = 3;
        const COLS = 3;
        const GAP = 10;
        const SIZE = 64;
        var stage = document.querySelector("#stage");
        var lotOfButtons = [];

        var winningPatterns = ["123","159","147",
        var isX = true;
        var player1Pattern = "";
        var player2Pattern = "";

... (The rest of the JavaScript code continues here) ...

Answer №1

Your code has a few syntax and semantic errors that need to be addressed, although it appears to be in a working state.

  1. One of the braces in the nested for loops within the prepareBoard function was not closed properly. This results in the clickHandler being defined inside the prepareBoard rather than on the window.
  2. The correct method is addEventListener, not addEventHandler.

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