JavaFX: Achieving uniform size for multiple circles

I have a seemingly straightforward question that has been puzzling me. I am looking to define multiple circles in my FXML file; 10 of these circles should have a radius of 10px, while 20 others should have a radius of 6px. I want to establish the size at one central location for easy modification.

After exploring various options, I have not been able to determine if it's possible to declare a variable directly in FXML, which would be the simplest solution. Alternatively, I attempted to utilize CSS to address this issue by assigning two different style classes to the circles and setting the size parameters in a CSS file. Unfortunately, I discovered that there is no property for scaling circles available.

<Circle fx:id="c00" centerX="100" centerY="100" styleClass="circle10" /> 

Another idea I considered was extending the Circle class and manually adjusting the radius as needed. However, I prefer not to manipulate Java code for layout purposes, as I believe that design elements should ideally be handled within FXML and CSS files.

I am certain that there must be a way to achieve this without delving into Java coding. Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

If you're working with FXML and need to create a variable that can be used in multiple places, you can utilize the fx:define element. As stated in the documentation on Introduction to FXML:

The <fx:define> element allows you to define objects that are independent of the main object hierarchy but may be referenced elsewhere.

For instance, when dealing with radio buttons, it's common practice to define a ToggleGroup to manage the selection state of the buttons. Since this group is not part of the scene graph itself, it shouldn't be added to the parent of the buttons. A define block offers a solution to create the button group without disrupting the overall structure of the document:

        <ToggleGroup fx:id="myToggleGroup"/>
        <RadioButton text="A" toggleGroup="$myToggleGroup"/>
        <RadioButton text="B" toggleGroup="$myToggleGroup"/>
        <RadioButton text="C" toggleGroup="$myToggleGroup"/>

Elements within define blocks are typically given an ID for later reference. More information about IDs will be discussed in subsequent sections.

Below is an example demonstrating how to define the radius of a Circle:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?import java.lang.Double?>
<?import javafx.geometry.Insets?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.VBox?>
<?import javafx.scene.shape.Circle?>

<VBox xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" spacing="10.0" alignment="CENTER">

        <Insets topRightBottomLeft="10.0"/>

        <Double fx:id="smallRadius" fx:value="50.0"/>
        <Double fx:id="largeRadius" fx:value="100.0"/>

    <Circle radius="$smallRadius"/>
    <Circle radius="$largeRadius"/>
    <Circle radius="$smallRadius"/>
    <Circle radius="$largeRadius"/>


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