Java Spring - The on-page styling is out of control

Currently, I am in the process of developing a taxi web application using Java Spring. After successfully creating the website with the help of a template, I encountered an issue when trying to integrate the login functionality. Strangely, the styling on the page becomes distorted, affecting everything from the fonts to the images. Although the login page is functional, the overall appearance of the site is less than satisfactory :( Any thoughts on what could be causing this problem? It's worth noting that when I position my website within a "public" folder inside the resources directory, it appears correctly but unfortunately, I struggle to implement the login feature. Appreciate any insights you might provide!

Answer №1

When utilizing the template engine for web page rendering, it is important to properly classify the resources. Static resources like CSS and JS should be placed in a directory labeled static, while template files should be stored in a directory named template.

Answer №2

To test if Java is functioning correctly, try accessing the browser and pressing F12 to navigate to the network tab and check if your CSS files are loading properly. For example, you can see if everything is loading correctly by visiting

If you suspect that your CSS path may be incorrect, you can also go to the console in the developer tools by pressing F12 and see if there are any 404 errors indicating missing resources.

Answer №3

Why are the styles being located but unable to run?

The script from 'http://localhost:9040/login' is being rejected because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable and strict MIME type checking is turned on.

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