Iterating through elements with JavaScript and dynamically replacing them in the HTML code

I'm struggling with the code I found on CodePen and need some help with it since I'm not very good with JS.

  1. How can I prevent the items from repeating endlessly? Currently, they scroll indefinitely with 20 items per 'page' before the infinite scroll takes over. I would like to display 50 images in the array, 20 per page, and then stop.
  2. I want to move the JS to a separate file and use PHP to iterate over some results and display the images. Is it possible to extract the div that renders the images from the JavaScript function so that I can place them directly in the HTML block?

This is the code I have in the HTML section

<div id="SlideMiddle">
    <div id="grid">
        <div id="grid-content"></div>

And this is the JavaScript code

    // JavaScript code goes here

Answer №1

Repetition of Images

There are two factors that contribute to the repeating behavior of images. Firstly, as mentioned in another response, the loop counter is set to a hardcoded value of 20. This means that if you input five images, each image will be repeated four times. Changing the value of 20 to the length of the Imgs array will resolve this issue.

Secondly, the function GenerateItems() always produces results.

If there are 50 images in the array, display those images, 20 per page, and then stop.

This indicates that GenerateItems() should return an empty set (or not be called) once all 50 images have been displayed. A simple approach could involve using a global page count variable. In this codepen, I have added such a variable to limit the number of pages, like so:

var pagesServed = 0;

    $grid = $('#grid-content');
function GenerateItems(){
    console.log("generating items");
    var items = '';
    if (++pagesServed > 2) {
       return items; 
    for(var i=0; i < Imgs.length; i++){

Rendering on the Server Side

In a practical scenario, you would likely be fetching a list of image links from your server, which leads to the second part of your query.

You can opt to render these divs on the server side instead. The GenerateItems() function would send an AJAX request to your backend to obtain the divs, rather than constructing them in javascript. The PHP code might resemble the following:

require_once __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';


$Imgs = [

$items = '';

for ($i=0; $i < 20; $i++){
    $items .= '<div class="grid-item c' . ($i % 9) . ' wow fadeInUp" ><a href=""><img src="' . $Imgs[$i % count($Imgs)] . '" /></a></div>';

Subsequently, GenerateItems() would look somewhat like this:

function GenerateItems(){
    console.log("generating items");
    var fetched =  fetch('http://localhost:8000').then(function(data) {
        return data.text();

    return fetched;

And the revealItems function would be adjusted to handle the Promise:

$.fn.revealItems = function($items){
    var self = this;
    var iso ='isotope');
    var itemSelector = iso.options.itemSelector;
    $items.then(function($fetcheditems) {
        $($fetcheditems).imagesLoaded().progress(function(imgLoad, image){
            var $item = $(image.img).parents(itemSelector);
    return this;

I have provided an example that demonstrates rendering these divs on the server side on GitHub. Please note that this is a basic example, and certain features like the WOW styling may not be fully functional, and the CORS support is minimal.

You would need to implement your own server-side logic to determine which images to return in each request. For instance, you could utilize session management to track the images already served, or accept query string parameters specifying the range of images requested.

Answer №2

  1. When approaching the first question, my suggestion would be to modify the GenerateItems procedure

    function GenerateItems(){
        var items = '';
        var limit = Imgs.length > 20 ? 20 : Imgs.length;
        for(var i=0; i < limit; i++){
            items += '<div class="grid-item c'+(i%9)+' wow fadeInUp" ><a href=""><img src="'+Imgs[i%Imgs.length]+'" /></a></div>';
        return $(items);

Could you possibly provide a plunter or Codepen example with styling included?

  1. So if I'm understanding correctly, you'll need to specify the selector where you want the images to be generated?

a) In that case, you just need to define the function in your JS file:

function infiniteList(selector){
    $grid = $(selector);

...... }

b) Make sure to link your JS file in the header of your index.html

c) Call the function with the necessary selector in the $(document).ready section of your index.html script (place it before the closing </script> tag).

var selector = ...//perform some calculation to obtain the selector

Answer №3

If you're looking to disable infinite scroll for the first question, here is a simple solution. You can visit this link for more information: Just remember to comment out line 117 in your code.


As for the second question, consider using the <?php ?> tag to insert HTML content. You can find more details on how to achieve this by visiting: How to write html code inside <?php ?>

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