PNG file unable to display in Google Chrome

I created an image using and saved it as a .png file. However, when I try to display the image on my website, only the borders show up without any image content. Here is the code I used:


<a href="home.php"><img id="logo" src="../img/templog.png" /></a>


#logo {
  align: left;
  display: inline;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;

Despite having the correct path to the image file, only the borders of the image are visible in the web browser (Chrome).

Any help would be appreciated.

Answer №1

Swap out the second href for src in the following code:

<img id="logo" src="../img/templog.png" />

All varieties of images should display properly in Google Chrome

Answer №2

Perhaps changing the image in Chrome could help troubleshoot the loading issue?

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