issues with padding in the main content section

When I try to search for something that isn't on the page, a strange margin or padding issue occurs. I have thoroughly reviewed the code but can't seem to pinpoint the problem. The unwanted 30pxish margin after the footer should not be present within the content div.

<div class="post">
<div class="content">
<p>Sorry, no match found!</p>

Website URL:

Answer №1

It looks like there are a few instances of incomplete HTML in your code, particularly with unclosed div tags. This can lead to issues with your CSS formatting. I recommend regularly using the W3 validator to ensure your code is error-free.

Answer №2

The end of the #postcont element is marked by the phrase "After the footer," with a padding of 20px specified. Based on this, your CSS code appears to be functioning correctly with no noticeable issues.

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