Issues with implementing CSS Icon Generated Content on a live Azure Web Role

My dilemma lies with my MVC4 web application that I'm attempting to deploy as an Azure web role. The site incorporates Metro UI CSS.

While the deployed web role is functioning properly overall, I am encountering an issue with the CSS-generated content. For example, consider the snippet below for an icon in the modern.css file of Metro UI:

.metrouicss .icon-arrow-right-3:before {
    content: "\e09d";

The generated content corresponds to a specific glyph in the font files, demonstrated by the following code:

<glyph unicode="&#xe09d;" d="M 288.00,352.00L 224.00,352.00L... />

When I run the application locally or even with the cloud emulator, these icon css classes display correctly. However, the published version does not show the icon images.

Within the web project, both the icon font files and CSS files are set as build action Content (do not copy).

Is there a specific configuration setting required for the Azure web role to recognize and display the generated content? Or advice on troubleshooting the issue on the published instance?

Answer №1

In a previous response, it was mentioned to update the bundle name for CSS files to resolve an issue with metroUI not finding the icon fonts folder due to a relative path error.

If you are currently bundling your metroUI css files like this:

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include(

Make the following change:

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css/metroUI").Include(

By making this adjustment, the issue should be resolved.

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