Issue with uneven spacing on both ends of the screen on mobile devices

I have successfully used a

<div style="margin:0 auto; ">
tag with the specified property, working perfectly. However, I added another <div> above and set the float as follows:

    background:url(images/gallery-bg.png) repeat-y;
    float: left;
    margin:2px 2px  0px 2px;
    border-bottom:2px #9b9b9b solid;

The issue is that it is aligning to the left side instead of center. If I remove the float: left;, they stack on top of each other.

Please refer to the screenshots below for clarity.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Unfortunately, I don't have the exact HTML to test out your code. However, you can try creating a mockup on this website. Despite that, here are some suggestions that might help.

If you want one element next to another, you may need to use floats or define their positions as absolute/relative. Additionally, adjusting the left and right margins can help align them in the center correctly.

In this example, I've added a margin-left property. Feel free to experiment with different values until you achieve the desired centering effect.

    background:url(images/gallery-bg.png) repeat-y; 
    margin:2px 2px 0px 2px;
    border-bottom:2px #9b9b9b solid;

Answer №2

Consider utilizing text-align: center; in the stylesheet instead of directly in the element. Additionally, if there is a conflicting text alignment property, make sure to deactivate it. Feel free to test that out and provide feedback on how it affects your layout.

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