Issue with IE failing to load a particular Stylesheet

Have you had a chance to view this live demonstration? My website has two different stylesheets, one specifically for Internet Explorer and another for regular browsers. Here's how they are set up in the header:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylelab.css">
<!--[if IE]>
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ie_stylelab.css" />

Despite thoroughly checking the spelling multiple times, when opening the link from IE (specifically IE v11 in my case), the normal stylesheet is loaded instead of the IE one.

To easily verify if the other CSS is being loaded, the theory states that when accessing the link from any IE browser and executing the menu (bottom right button), it should have a blue background.

What could be missing here?

The IE stylesheet includes all the styles from the normal stylesheet PLUS additional properties needed for it to work correctly. Could this approach be incorrect, and should the IE stylesheet only include the additional properties?

Answer №1

Elimination of Conditional Comments

Conditional comments are no longer supported in Internet Explorer 10 standards and quirks modes as part of efforts to enhance interoperability and compliance with HTML5. This development means that Conditional Comments will be treated as regular comments, similar to other browsers. As a result, this change could impact web pages tailored specifically for Windows Internet Explorer or those relying on browser sniffing to modify their behavior within Internet Explorer.

To learn more, visit:

Answer №2

Starting from IE10, conditional comments are no longer supported by Internet Explorer. It is now recommended to target CSS based on features instead of specific vendors or browsers. Utilizing tools like modernizr can greatly assist in this approach.

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