Issue with Displaying Full-Page Div

My HTML page consists of just one div. The body code is as follows:


Here is the corresponding CSS:

body {

    div {

I came across a similar example in a different stackoverflow thread, which can be found here.

After implementing this code, I realized that the div displayed correctly in terms of height, but only occupied slightly more than half of the width. I must have made a mistake somewhere.

Answer №1

For those seeking assistance, consider using height 100% instead of "Viewport Units" due to limited browser support. View the Browser Support Table for Viewport Units:

If you wish to extend the div into scrollable areas beyond the viewport, implement the following code:


body {

#wrapper-div {

The key is to set height to 100% on html and body, and min-height 100% on the wrapper div. The div will naturally expand 100% horizontally. Min and max width and height are widely supported in browsers, except for IE6. (Note: For IE6 support, a simple hack can be added to the wrapper-div, though it may not validate your CSS{*display:inline; *zoom:1;})

Check Browser Support for Min and Max Height and Width

Experiment with both 100% and Viewport Units using this JSFiddle:

If you opt for Viewport Units, use this code with width set as vw, not vh:

body {

#wrapper-div {

Reference this article for more insights:

  • 1vw: 1% of viewport width
  • 1vh: 1% of viewport height
  • 1vmin: 1vw or 1vh, whichever is smaller
  • 1vmax: 1vw or 1vh, whichever is larger

Answer №2

When you set your background color to white, it may not appear. Consider using the color code #000 for black instead.

Answer №3

Although it may work, there is one thing to consider: the div is white, so how can you be sure it actually appears?

The best way to confirm its appearance is by changing the background color.

See a live example

body {

    div {

Answer №4

Maybe consider adjusting the div attributes slightly, such as:

div {
width: inherit;


This way, the div will inherit the height and width values set in the body's CSS selector.

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