Issue with carousel functionality being disrupted by resizing of the window

I have lined up a series of 3 divs floating to the left in a straight line, each spanning the width of the page. Here is an example of the HTML structure:

<div class="Horizontal-Wrapper">
      <div class="Horizontal-Section">
        <div class="Project-Wrapper">
          <div class="Project-Box" id="PJB1"><div class="Project-Box-Overlay"><h2>Splash</h2><p>Industries define the ideal selection for both wholesale and retail quantities of high quality</p></div></div>
          <div class="Project-Box" id="PJB2"><div class="Project-Box-Overlay"><h2>Splash</h2><p>Industries define the ideal selection for both wholesale and retail quantities of high quality</p></div></div>
       <div class="Horizontal-Section">
        <div class="Project-Wrapper">
          <div class="Project-Box" id="PJB3"><div class="Project-Box-Overlay"><h2>Splash</h2><p>Industries define the ideal selection for both wholesale and retail quantities of high quality</p></div></div>
          <div class="Project-Box" id="PJB4"><div class="Project-Box-Overlay"><h2>Splash</h2><p>Industries define the ideal selection for both wholesale and retail quantities of high quality</p></div></div>
       <div class="Horizontal-Section">
        <div class="Project-Wrapper">
          <div class="Project-Box" id="PJB5"><div class="Project-Box-Overlay"><h2>Splash</h2><p>Industries define the ideal selection for both wholesale and retail quantities of high quality</p></div></div>
          <div class="Project-Box" id="PJB6"><div class="Project-Box-Overlay"><h2>Splash</h2><p>Industries define the ideal selection for both wholesale and retail quantities of high quality</p></div></div>          

When a button is clicked, it should move to the next div. I achieved this using the following script;

   var inner_width = $('body').innerWidth();
   $('#next').on('click', function () {
      $('.Horizontal-Section').animate({'left': 'inner_width' +'px'});

The issue I am encountering is that the scrolling behavior gets disoriented when resizing the browser, as I cannot obtain the correct page width.

Answer №1

To ensure proper resizing and positioning of elements, you must adjust the inner_width value accordingly.

Assuming that .Horizontal-Section has a CSS width of 100%.

var inner_width = $('body').innerWidth();

$('#next').on('click', function () {
    $('.Horizontal-Section').animate({'left': inner_width +'px'});

$(window).resize(function () {
    inner_width = $('body').innerWidth();
    $('.Horizontal-Section').css({'left': inner_width +'px'});

Answer №2

The issue is caused by failing to continuously check the browser width after the initial load. The script only checks once and assigns the value to a variable.

To solve this problem, you can use the following code snippet:

var innerWidth = $('body').innerWidth();
$(window).resize(function() {
  innerWidth = $('body').innerWidth();

Answer №3

If you want to ensure your code runs when the document is ready or when the window is resized, you can encapsulate it in a function and then call that function using (document).ready(); and (window).resize();

Here's an example of how you can achieve this:



 function func_name(){
  var inner_width = $('body').innerWidth();
   $('#next').on('click', function () {
      $('.Horizontal-Section').animate({'left': 'inner_width' +'px'});

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