Issue: Unsightly blank space appearing at the top of my website. Struggling to determine the cause

I am experiencing an issue on my blog.

In Firefox, there is a noticeable gap at the top of the site that is not present in Chrome, and I can't seem to fix it. Even Firebug didn't provide any solutions.

It's strange: when I adjust the margin-bottom of my <div class="ontop">, the space appears. If I set it to 0, the gap disappears!

Would you be able to assist me with this? Thank you!

Answer №1

There seems to be an issue with the 'margin-bottom: 300px in .ontop class in Firefox. It's quite odd.

Adding height: 100%; should solve the problem and eliminate the top margin.

I suspect this might be a Firefox bug.

Answer №2

To fix the problem, add the following CSS code: .wrapper{display:inline-block}. This will resolve the issue with the layout. Additionally, apply the class .ontop to {float:left} for proper alignment.

Answer №3

Although I am unable to delve into the root cause of this issue right now, here is a simple workaround:

Replace the

margin-bottom: 300px;


padding-bottom: 300px;


It appears that this issue may be linked to an undefined height for .ontop. If you specify

height: 82px; /* Height of your logo */ 

the problem should resolve and you can still utilize margin-bottom.

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