The design elements are not being implemented on my custom React library built with TypeScript

I recently created a React library called and added styles to the component in the examples/ directory. However, I've noticed that the styles are not being applied.

Below is the content of the example/index.tsx file:

import 'react-app-polyfill/ie11';
import * as React from 'react';
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { ReactTypical } from '../.'

const App = () => {
  const textArray = ['Innovator', 'Visionary', 'Creator', 'Leader'];
  return (
          color: 'blue',
          fontSize: 200,
        steps={textArray.flatMap(text => [text, 4000])}

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

The style property has already been implemented in the library's src/index.tsx file:

export type Props = {
  steps: Array<any>;
  loop: number;
  className?: string;
  wrapper?: keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements;
} & React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLOrSVGElement>;

Considering that React.HTMLAttributes covers all HTML attributes within React components, the style attribute should be accessible there.

Am I overlooking something in my implementation?

Answer №1

Your library is designed to accept any

, however, it does not utilize them or pass them down in the code.

To make use of these attributes, you can implement something similar to the following example:

const ExampleComponent = ({ props1, props2, className, container: Container = 'div', ...restProps }: Attributes) => {


return React.createElement(Container, {
  ref: exampleRef,
  className: exampleStyles,

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