What is the best way to customize a MaterialUI outlined input using a global theme overrides file?

I've been working on customizing my theme file with overrides, and I've encountered a strange bug while trying to style the outlined input. It seems like there are two borders appearing when these styles are implemented.



Here's the section of MUI outlined input overrides:

MuiOutlinedInput: {
      styleOverrides: {
        root: {
          borderRadius: "4px",
          border: "1px solid green ",
          "&:hover": { borderRadius: "4px", border: "1px solid red" },
          "&:disabled": { borderRadius: "4px", border: "1px solid black" },
          "&.Mui-focused": { borderRadius: "4px", border: "2px solid blue" },

If anyone has any tips or suggestions on how to resolve this issue, I would greatly appreciate it!

Answer №1

Upon examining the Outlined Input, you will notice that it consists of 2 child elements. The first element is the input, while the second one is a fieldset. To apply styles to the fieldset, you will need to do so.


I am unsure about your specific intentions with the styling as there are 4 different border colors being utilized... I assume you may be looking for something along the lines of

MuiOutlinedInput: {
      styleOverrides: {
        root: {
          "& fieldset" {
            borderColor: "red";

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