Is there a way to utilize either css3 or css in order to change the icon displayed on a button

Currently, I am working on a button that contains a span element. I am interested in finding a way to change the background of the span when the button is clicked and have it remain changed. Is there a way to achieve this using CSS only? I am aware that JavaScript can be used for this purpose, but I prefer a pure CSS solution if it is possible.

Answer №1

When dealing with buttons that are not links (<a>), the use of the :visited selector in CSS won't work as intended. However, you can achieve a similar effect by styling an <a> element to resemble a button and then applying the following CSS:

a.fakebutton span {
   background: ....

a.fakebutton:visited span {
   background: something else;

Answer №2

It appears that without the use of client-side scripting, achieving this may prove to be a challenge.

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