Is there a way to transform an HTML table from a horizontal layout to a vertical

I have reorganized the bus seating layout horizontally using a table. However, I now need to transform it vertically for mobile phones without disrupting my existing code.

My attempt at using transform(rotate90deg) achieved the desired result, but the table ended up overlapping with the text. Is there a way to move the table down while still using transform(rotate90deg), or is there another CSS solution that would work better?

<script src=""></script>
<table class="">
                    <!--TODO переключнение этажей, подсветка занятых мест, подсветка выбранных мест-->
                    <tr v-for="stroka in mergeFlights.find(trip => trip.id_trip===busTriptId).bus_config[floor]" :key="stroka">
                      <td v-for="seat in stroka" :key="seat"
                        <div v-if="seat.split('+')[3].replace('_', '') !== ''" :class="se</div>at.split('+')[0]" :id="'seat_'+seat.split('+')[3].replace('_', '')">{{seat.split('+')[3].replace('_', '')}}</div>
                        <div v-else-if="seat.split('+')[0] == 'voditel'" :class="seat.split('+')[0]" :id="'seat_'+seat.split('+')[3].replace('_', '')">{{seat.split('+')[3].replace('_', '')}}</div>

horizontal bus seating layout

vertical bus seating layout achieved with CSS transform rotate

Answer №1

To enhance the appearance of your content, consider adding CSS styling to:

 <td style = "display: flex; flex-direction: row"> 

You can also define a class name and apply the styles in your CSS file.

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