Ensure a button is automatically highlighted within an active class script

I have created a set of buttons that allow users to change the font family of the text. I would like the border and text color to update automatically when a specific option is selected.

Currently, the JavaScript code works well, but when the page first loads, the default font family (Georgia) is not highlighted until the user clicks on a button. How can I ensure that the default font style is already highlighted before any changes are made?

var fontbtns = document.getElementsByClassName("grid-item");
for (var i = 0; i < fontbtns.length; i++) {
  fontbtns[i].addEventListener("click", function() {
    var current = document.getElementsByClassName("fontactive");
    if (current.length > 0) {
      current[0].className = current[0].className.replace(" fontactive", "");
    this.className += " fontactive";
.grid-item.fontactive {
  border-color: #06a0ff;
  color: #06a0ff;
<div class="fontsgrid" id="fontlist">
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-garamond" onclick="changeFontFamily('EB Garamond')">Garamond</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-palatino" onclick="changeFontFamily('Palatino')">Palatino</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-bookerly" onclick="changeFontFamily('Bookerly')">Bookerly</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-georgia" onclick="changeFontFamily('Georgia')">Georgia</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-baskerville" onclick="changeFontFamily('Baskerville')">Baskerville</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-montserrat" onclick="changeFontFamily('Montserrat')">Montserrat</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-futura" onclick="changeFontFamily('Futura')">Futura</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-opendyslexic3" onclick="changeFontFamily('OpenDyslexic3')">Open Dyslexic</button>

Answer №1

To incorporate the fontactive class into a specific button, simply add it to the desired button's class list.

var fontbtns = document.getElementsByClassName("grid-item");
for (var i = 0; i < fontbtns.length; i++) {
  fontbtns[i].addEventListener("click", function() {
    var current = document.getElementsByClassName("fontactive");
    if (current.length > 0) {
      current[0].className = current[0].className.replace(" fontactive", "");
    this.className += " fontactive";
.grid-item.fontactive {
  border-color: #06a0ff;
  color: #06a0ff;
<div class="fontsgrid" id="fontlist">
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-garamond" onclick="changeFontFamily('EB Garamond')">Garamond</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-palatino" onclick="changeFontFamily('Palatino')">Palatino</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-bookerly" onclick="changeFontFamily('Bookerly')">Bookerly</button>
  <button class="grid-item fontactive" id="ff-georgia" onclick="changeFontFamily('Georgia')">Georgia</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-baskerville" onclick="changeFontFamily('Baskerville')">Baskerville</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-montserrat" onclick="changeFontFamily('Montserrat')">Montserrat</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-futura" onclick="changeFontFamily('Futura')">Futura</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-opendyslexic3" onclick="changeFontFamily('OpenDyslexic3')">Open Dyslexic</button>

It is recommended not to use the getElementsByClassName() method due to its impact on performance. Instead, opt for the querySelectorAll() method which returns a static node list.

Hence, with the adjustment, the code would look like:

// Utilize .querySelectorAll() as it simplifies looping
  item.addEventListener("click", function() {

function changeFontFamily(){}
.grid-item.fontactive {
  border-color: #06a0ff;
  color: #06a0ff;
<div class="fontsgrid" id="fontlist">
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-garamond" onclick="changeFontFamily('EB Garamond')">Garamond</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-palatino" onclick="changeFontFamily('Palatino')">Palatino</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-bookerly" onclick="changeFontFamily('Bookerly')">Bookerly</button>
  <button class="grid-item fontactive" id="ff-georgia" onclick="changeFontFamily('Georgia')">Georgia</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-baskerville" onclick="changeFontFamily('Baskerville')">Baskerville</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-montserrat" onclick="changeFontFamily('Montserrat')">Montserrat</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-futura" onclick="changeFontFamily('Futura')">Futura</button>
  <button class="grid-item" id="ff-opendyslexic3" onclick="changeFontFamily('OpenDyslexic3')">Open Dyslexic</button>

An alternate approach involves using radio buttons to ensure only one selection at a time without necessitating loops in your code. By hiding and styling radio button labels as buttons, you achieve the desired functionality with minimal JavaScript involvement.

This technique introduces more HTML complexity but reduces reliance on JavaScript.

Refer to the inline comments below for details.

// Assign default font
document.body.style.fontFamily = "Consolas";

// Handle click events at parent level to set page font based on selected radio button within 'wrapper'
document.getElementById("wrapper").addEventListener("click", function(event){
  // Update page font to match value of clicked radio button 
  document.body.style.fontFamily = event.target.value;
/* Hide radio buttons */
input[type='radio'] { display:none; }

/* Default label style resembling buttons */
input[type='radio'] + label {
  box-shadow:1px 1px grey;
  font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  width: 80px;

/* Styling for checked labels */
input[type='radio']:checked + label {
  box-shadow:-1px -1px grey;
<div id="wrapper">
  <input type="radio" id="rad1" name="rad" value="Comic Sans MS">
  <label for="rad1">Comic Sans</label>

  <!-- Pre-selected choice using checked attribute -->
  <input type="radio" id="rad2" name="rad" value="Consolas" checked>
  <label for="rad2">Consolas</label>

  <input type="radio" id="rad3" name="rad" value="Calibri">
  <label for="rad3">Calibri</label>

  <input type="radio" id="rad4" name="rad" value="Georgia">
  <label for="rad4">Georgia</label>

  <input type="radio" id="rad5" name="rad" value="Arial">
  <label for="rad5">Arial</label>

  <input type="radio" id="rad6" name="rad" value="Montserrat">
  <label for="rad6">Montserrat</label>

  <input type="radio" id="rad7" name="rad" value="Baskerville Old Face">
  <label for="rad7">Baskerville</label>

  <input type="radio" id="rad8" name="rad" value="Harrington">
  <label for="rad8">Harrington</label>

<h1>Page Heading</h1>

Answer №2

To simplify this, utilize data attributes and relocate the event handler attachment to the script. By referencing the values of the data element, you can clearly see the fallback for a sans-serif font that has been added.

The removal of unnecessary IDs results in cleaner HTML structure.

function handleFontChangeClick(event) {
  const currentActive = document.querySelectorAll('.fontactive');
  currentActive.forEach(function(el) {
    el.classList.toggle("fontactive", false);
  this.classList.toggle("fontactive", true);
// Attach a click handler to the nodes - in this case buttons
const fontbtns = document.querySelectorAll(".grid-item");
fontbtns.forEach(btn => btn.addEventListener('click', handleFontChangeClick));

// Direct way to set the class
// fontbtns[fontbtns.length - 1].classList.toggle("fontactive", true);

// A more efficient way to trigger "click" change?
// fontbtns[fontbtns.length - 1].click();

// Set a specific font from the list
const defaultFontFamily = "Georgia";
const fh = [...fontbtns].filter((el) => {
  return el.dataset.fontfam == defaultFontFamily;
}).pop().click(); // Automatically set on first one via click

// Set the fonts for the buttons based on their specified values
for (const btn of fontbtns) {
  btn.style.fontFamily = btn.dataset.fontfam;
.grid-item.fontactive {
  border-color: #06a0ff;
  color: #06a0ff;
<div class="fontsgrid" id="fontlist">
  <button class="grid-item" data-fontfam="EB Garamond">Garamond</button>
  <button class="grid-item" data-fontfam="Palatino">Palatino</button>
  <button class="grid-item" data-fontfam="Bookerly">Bookerly</button>
  <button class="grid-item" data-fontfam="Georgia">Georgia</button>
  <button class="grid-item" data-fontfam="Baskerville">Baskerville</button>
  <button class="grid-item" data-fontfam="Montserrat,sans-serif">Montserrat</button>
  <button class="grid-item" data-fontfam="Futura">Futura</button>
  <button class="grid-item" data-fontfam="OpenDyslexic3">Open Dyslexic</button>

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