Why does the pound symbol in z-index always show up in Angular?

Having an issue with my code where I set a z-index in the CSS like this:

.mat-mini-fab {
   position: absolute;
   right: 5px;
   top: 4px;
   z-index: 999;
   box-shadow: none !important;

However, whenever I visit my site, the z-index is not being applied. When checking in the developer console, there is always a "#" in front of the value, for example z-index: #999. I'm unsure why this is happening.

This has been tested on Chrome and Firefox. I have double-checked my code and am positive that I didn't add the "#" before the value.

Interestingly, when changing the z-index to 1000, the "#" disappears, but if it's below 1000, the "#" appears again. Any idea what kind of bug this could be?


Answer №1

Ever since upgrading to Angular 12, I've been encountering this issue. It seems like there's a problem with the Webpack bundling. To resolve it, I included the maximum limit for the z-index and that seemed to fix the issue.

  z-index: 2147483647;

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