Is there a way to surround my cursor with a <div> box when clicked?

Looking to replicate the tagging feature on Facebook, I want an empty box to appear when a specific area of an image is clicked.

With jQuery, what code can be used to make this box follow the cursor upon clicking?

Appreciate any guidance. Thank you!

Answer №1

If you're looking to achieve a similar effect, consider utilizing the following code snippet. In this example, "image" refers to the designated image class that can be tagged, while "box" denotes the ID of an element set to an absolute position:


Answer №2

Caution: Messy Code Ahead!

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
      var newElement = $("<div>");
      newElement.css({width:"50px", height:"50px", border:"1px solid green", position:"absolute", left: e.pageX - 25, top: e.pageY -25});

<div id="image-wrapper" style="border: 1px solid red; width: 300px; height: 200px;">

Answer №3

  $(document).on("click", function(event){
      css({ position: "relative", top: event.pageY, left: event.pageX }).

To learn more about jQuery event objects, you can refer to their documentation on events. In this code snippet, I am utilizing event.PageX and event.PageY.

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