Tips for adjusting the positioning of a div element in a responsive design

I am currently working on my website and facing a layout issue.

In desktop mode, there is a sidebar, but in mobile view, the sidebar goes down under the content displayed on the left side.

I would like the sidebar to appear at the top in mobile view, followed by the content. I have tried using position:absolute; and adjusting margins without success.

If you have suggestions on how to achieve this, please let me know.

You can also view my code on jsFiddle: here

The following script has worked for me:

<script type="text/javascript>
var windowWidth = $(window).width();

if(windowWidth <=767){

Answer №1

To simplify your code, consider making the following adjustments.

You can choose between two options:

  1. Reorganize the structure of the website to initially display in reverse order.
  2. Utilize jQuery to relocate the content when the screen width is below a certain threshold, for example:

Answer №2

In my opinion, the best approach would be to ensure that your markup is in the correct order from the start. Structure should be separated from styling as much as possible.

Here is an example of how your code could look:

<section class="main">
    <div class="sidebar">Bye</div>
    <main class='content'>Hi</main> 

On mobile, you would simply need to remove the floats so the content reverts back to the default flow. Here's how you could do it:

.content {
.sidebar {

@media screen and (max-width:767px) {
    .content, .sidebar {
        float: none;

(I have updated the class names and markup for better readability)

You can view the updated demo here:

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