Is there a way to showcase my information on flash cards using JavaScript?

Currently, I am developing a full stack application that utilizes JavaScript on both the front and back end. This application allows users to create their own flashcards set. Upon clicking "View Cards," the data is fetched and the question-answer pair is displayed on each side of the card. The app is designed to show one card at a time, with options for scrolling through other cards using the "Previous" or "Next" buttons. While I have successfully fetched and converted the data to JSON, as well as displayed at least one item from the database properly, I am facing issues when attempting to scroll through the cards. Sometimes the browser returns an error, and certain cards do not render both sides correctly. How can these problems be addressed?

const flashCard = document.querySelector(".flashcard");
const flipBtn = document.querySelector(".flip-btn");
const prevBtn = document.querySelector(".prev-btn");
const nextBtn = document.querySelector(".next-btn");
let frontOfCard = document.querySelector(".front-content");
let backOfCard = document.querySelector(".back-content");

const displayCards = () => {
  flipBtn.innerHTML = "Flip"
  flipBtn.removeEventListener("click", displayCards)

flipBtn.addEventListener("click", displayCards)

const flash = () => {
  if ( != "rotateX(180deg)") { = "rotateX(180deg)"
  } else { = "none"

const getCardInfo = async () => {
  const itemBody = {
    method: "PUT",
    headers: {
      Accept: "application/json",
      "Content-Type": "application/json" 

  const data = await fetch(window.location.href, itemBody)
  const jsonData = await data.json()

  let idx = 0;
  frontOfCard.innerHTML = jsonData[idx].Answer
  backOfCard.innerHTML = jsonData[idx].Question = "block";

  flipBtn.addEventListener("click", flash);

  scrollThroughCards(idx, jsonData);

function scrollThroughCards(idx, data) {
  prevBtn.addEventListener("click", (e) => { = "none"

    setTimeout(() => {
      frontOfCard.innerHTML = data[idx--].Answer
      backOfCard.innerHTML = data[idx--].Question = "block"
    }, 1000)


  nextBtn.addEventListener("click", (e) => { = "none"

    setTimeout(() => {
      frontOfCard.innerHTML = data[idx++].Answer
      backOfCard.innerHTML = data[idx++].Question = "block"
    }, 1000)



app.get("/card/:id", checkAuthenticated, async (req,res) => {
  const { id } = req.params

  const data = await Card.findAll({ where: { NoteId: id } });

  res.render("cards-page", { 
    noteid: id,
    Cards: data

app.put("/card/:id", checkAuthenticated, async (req,res) => {
  const { id } = req.params

  const data = await Card.findAll({ where: { NoteId: id } });

})"/card/:id", checkAuthenticated, async (req, res) => {
    const { Question, Answer, NoteId } = req.body;
    const newCard = await Card.create({


Answer №1

The scrollThroughCards function had a flaw in which it did not include boundary checks and improperly utilized increment and decrement operators.

function scrollThroughCards(idx, data) {
  prevBtn.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
    // Check if there are cards to the left of index 0
    // If not, exit the function early
    if (idx <= 0) return; = "none"

    setTimeout(() => {
      idx--; // Decrease the index first
      // Use the modified index
      frontOfCard.innerHTML = data[idx].Answer
      backOfCard.innerHTML = data[idx].Question = "block"
    }, 1000)


  nextBtn.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
    // Check if there are more cards beyond the end of the list
    // If not, exit the function early
    if (idx >= data.length - 1) return; = "none"

    setTimeout(() => {
      idx++; // Increase the index first
      // Use the modified index next
      frontOfCard.innerHTML = data[idx].Answer
      backOfCard.innerHTML = data[idx].Question = "block"
    }, 1000)


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